Manhattan Toy Mio Doll House

(Manhattan Toy $30-100)
A truly open-ended modular dollhouse that can be different every day. The wooden boxes and roof can be rearranged horizontally, vertically and every which way. The blocks and fabric pieces can be a table or bed or whatever kids imagine. The most elaborate house, as shown here ($100) comes with two small beanbag bodied people, blocks with painted trees, a hopscotch plank, a grassy patio, a large room and two other rooms, a 2-step piece, pillars, small blocks, and a drawstring bag for storing small pieces. Or you can buy smaller parts of this collection to start; Mio Sleeping ($30) comes with a small room and roof and bed with two people. When the dollhouse play is done it can all store in the large room module. This is nothing like your old dollhouse with realistic furniture and decorations. There’s a car with two people ($22) or sets of two people ($10) or animals ($10). The Mio collection is more like an extension to block building and construction play. Also available in the Mio line, a yellow school bus ($24) with two people that can get on and off the bus through the side or roof. 3 & up.
Ages: Preschoolers
Oppenheim Toy Portfolio Gold Seal Award 2016