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Peaceable Kingdom Monkey Around Game

Older twos and threes will love this beginners game because it’s full of action. Players take turns doing the silly actions written on the monkey playing cards. On each turn there’s an opportunity for giggles and wiggles as players do tricks like balancing the fabric beanbag banana (that comes with the game) on their heads or hiding the banana under their shirts. Some of the actions are as simple as spinning around or shaking hands. It's a game that develops listening skills and language as well as the fun of one on one time with an adult or older sibling, who can read. After doing the action, the card is placed on the board and the first player to get five cards stacked up on the board is the winner.The game is marked 2+ and we think this will be a hit on the plus side—for 2.5 and 3s and even 4s. It’s also a good choice if you have a young reader and younger child, since they can each play at their own level and get some practice with turn taking as well as age appropriate language skills.

Ages: Toddlers, Preschoolers

Oppenheim Toy Portfolio Platinum Award 2017

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