Mindware Unbored Time Capsule

(Mindware $29.99)
The abundant contents of this kit are well-chosen and include containers from tubes to bags, boxes, envelopes, tags, and labels. But the best part of the kit is the big idea of learning to think like a historian. The kit includes a time capsule questionnaire and a clipboard (for an official look) so kids can interview family and friends and include their thoughts in the time capsule. There is an adjustable date stamp to record every item accurately as well as photo protectors, so images of those interviewed can be included. We suggest you read though the suggestions with the younger historian. There’s a lot of good information in the booklet, but it is in fine print and might easily be ignored by kids. Creating a time capsule can be an entertaining activity for now with perhaps even more fun down the road. It’s intended to be opened years from now—a big idea for kids to think about as they load it with memorable ideas and items from their present lives. Use this kit at your next family reunion; it will keep older kids get involved with older family members, who will enjoy going down memory lane. Marked 8 & up. We think some in the upper range of early school will like this, but it will be far more interesting to tweens and teens.
Ages: Tweens
Oppenheim Toy Portfolio Platinum Award 2017