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Educational Insights Design & Drill Kits: Rescue Helicopter, Police Motorcycle, and Firetruck

(Educational Insights $19.99 and up)

We’ve told you about Design and Drill building toys that come with a totally safe working drill that preschoolers operate with ease. Design and Drill kits come with bolts that kids drill into place to hold vehicles together or to take it apart and build it again; that’s what kids like, building, unbuilding and then building again. A good choice for developing fine motor skills as well as the language of dramatic play after the challenge of constructing the vehicle. The newest building sets this season include a clever add-on—turn the box inside out and....drumroll!...the box is transformed into a play setting for the toy the child has built. Kids can add color to the setting with crayons or markers.

We assembled the Design and Drill Firetruck($ 25.80) the biggest of the three models and a wow-ee of a gift with 13 drilling spots, a drill, 24 bolts, snap-on fire and water toppers, a drilling board, fire hydrant, stickers, plus a Bolt Buddy Fire Chief, a Bolt Buddy firefighter (a woman of color), and a Dalmatian puppy, of course. After the firetruck is assembled, an adult will need to help turn the box inside-out and magically create a firehouse setting for dramatic play. What a wonderful add-on, a way to use the box.

To assemble the Rescue Helicopter( $ 21.99 ) kids drill the bolts on to attach the base and propeller. After they put the pilot in the cockpit they can rescue the little bird in the rescue basket by turning the rear propeller—best of all the basket goes up and down. This kit has five bolt spots , 5 bolts, a pilot, a bird, and lots of action. Turn the box inside out to create a building with a heliport on top.

The smallest set, the Police Motorcycle($19.99) with a bright blue motorcycle and side car to put together. It comes with the drill, 6 bolts and 5 drilling spots. The police officer is a woman of color and has ha police dog who rides in the side car. The clever reversible box transforms into a police station with an up and down rampway that the motorcycle can ride. The clever reversible box transforms into a police station with an up and down rampway that the motorcycle can ride.

You’ll need three triple A batteries for the drill and time to show your preschooler how to operate the drill. Be sure to take the time to show your preschooler how the drill works. Show them how to switch the button on the drill. It has three positions: one for putting bolts in, one for removing bolts, and one for turning off the power. Marked 3-7. It really depends on their dexterity; We’d say most 3s and 4s will need an adult to build with them until they get the hang of how the drill works. 5s - 7s will be able to do this with greater independence.

Ages: Older Preschool, Early School

Oppenheim Toy Portfolio Platinum Award 2021


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