Journey Girls Holiday Doll for 2016

(Toys R Us $49.99)
A true show stopper, Journey Girl Holiday Doll for 2016 is done up in a stunning ball gown of silver encrusted with sparkling sequins. On her shoulders she has a lush white furry stole (faux for sure) and she comes with a glittery evening bag. An 18” beauty, she has jeweled clip in her hair, glittery earrings, and is available as a girl (with a hint) of color with dark hair or as a Caucasian blonde. Since the Journey Girls are visiting New York this year, her box is marked New York, making her a striking souvenir for young (and old) visitors. Available exclusively at Toys R Us. 6 & up.
Ages: Early School
Oppenheim Toy Portfolio Gold Seal Award 2016