Janod Story Express Firefighters

(Janod $96.99) Gold Seal Award
Firefighting on the rails! Janod’s newest twist on wooden trains sets is sure to attract the attention of firefighters. A 33-piece set includes a four piece train with an extension ladder attached to one, firefighter and construction figures plus an injured and bandaged passenger. A rescue dog, traffic lights, helicopter, ambulance, tons of tracks and a raised causeway. Everything about this set is appealing and sure to provide years of play. A WORD OF CAUTION: Due to the size of the play figures this is properly marked 3-8. Yet we know many people buy train sets for twos. Be prepared to put all the small pieces away if your child is still mouthing toys, as most twos and many threes still do. The pieces in this and other sets are serious choking hazards and fit all the way into a choke tube. That is why they are marked three and up, the legal age for small toys. All that said, this is an action filled train set, a big gift with tracks that can be put together in many different layouts. In fact the tracks are like an amazing open-ended puzzle that challenges children’s problem solving skills and creative thinking. 3-8
Ages: Preschoolers, Early School
Oppenheim Toy Portfolio Gold Seal Award 2016