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Kid Made Modern Winter Wonderland

An interesting craft kit with 15 paintable animal and tree forms of wood. Science it's not. They have penguins and polar bears in the same package and the penguins are as big as the bears. I suppose you could make a point of teaching the difference between the Arctic and Antarctica with this mixed-up set of creatures. What we like a lot is that the pieces all come with stands and once they are painted, they can be moved around for dramatic play or simply displayed on a tabletop. The kit includes pairs of large and small polar bear, wolves, and penguins, plus a snowman, many tree forms and stands that they fit on. It comes in a sturdy storage box with 12 small pots of acrylic paints and three brushes. 6 & up

Ages: Early School

Oppenheim Toy Portfolio Gold Seal Award 2017

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