Fisher-Price Thomas & Friends Super Station

(Fisher-Price $99.99)
Our first reviews are coming in on this and both parents and kids are giving it very high scores, in fact one parent gave it 20 out of 20. That should tell you something. In a family with four kids this parent loved that this is big enough for kids to play with together. Her fourth child, who hardly ever gets new toys is enjoying it so much they are going to buy him an extra train car with an engine. Another parent wrote, "The best part is the train can travel uphill! For a kid who is really into trains this is a lasting toy." Being a city dweller, she also added, "The giant size of this toy is something to take into consideration for apartment living." We would agree. It is a large toy! Kids can rearrange this top-of-the-line Super Station set in multiple configurations; build it high and wide or small for tight spaces. It’s an awesome set with over 35 feet of track and locations that will ring the bell for Thomas & Friends fans who can run their engines around the Tidmouth Sheds, Brendam Docks, Knapford Station, the Sodor Steamworks, the Dieselworks, Blue Mountain Quarry and the SSRC with Harold’s helipad. It comes with cargo pieces, as well as racetracks and adaptors so kids can connect other sets they own to this one. Cranky the Crane is ready for action, it can lift and lower cargo. Included in this set, Thomas & Friends TrackMaster Thomas, and his friends Thomas & Friends Adventures Percy, Thomas & Friends MINIS James, plastic Harold. This is an elaborate setting for dramatic play that’s big enough to share with siblings and friends. Kids will need help getting this set up and probably for reconfiguring it. That said, this is a big action packed setting that can store many engines.
Ages: Preschoolers, Early School
Oppenheim Toy Portfolio Platinum Award 2017