Creativity for Kids The Very Hungry Caterpillar Sticker Suncatchers
(Creativity for Kids $14.98)
Fans of the classic The Very Hungry Caterpillar will enjoy this new kit that includes seven different sun catchers inspired by the beloved book. What we especially love about the set is that it comes with stickers that can be layered (so there are opportunities for color mixing -- just like you'll find in the book). Each of the sun catchers can attach to the window with a suction cup. While the box is marked 3 & up, the sweet spot for this one will more likely be 5s and 6s due to the fine motor skills required.

tive thoughts of the day. It's a fun take on a gratitude journal that comes with cards in different shapes, stickers and a gel pen. A kit that will be enjoyed for a good part of the year.
3 & up.
Ages: Preschool, Early School Years
Oppenheim Toy Portfolio Platinum Award 2023