TOY BOX 3D Printer Deluxe Bundle

(TOYBOX $349)
Safety first -- this is a real 3D printer that does have a heating element that is accessible while it's hot so this is not a machine for young children to use alone and we recommend parental supervision for all kids. That said -- this is an AMAZING piece of equipment.
To set the machine up, you can follow the easy on-line instructions. We were up and running in a matter of minutes. You will want to download the Toybox APP to your phone. The printer needs WiFi to function -- if you're in a place with spotty WiFi this can be frustrating.
The ToyBox website and APP has so many toys in their catalog to print. The length of time for printing depends on the complexity of the design and the thickness of the object you're printing. For our first design, we selected a ring from the ToyBox catalog. We selected our "printer food" that comes on a spool and loaded it onto the back of the printer. We then threaded the food into the machine. Once the machine heats up (this is where it's important to supervise) the machine is ready to print the ring. The process is magical to watch. The ring was printed in under 15 minutes. The machine directs you to let the heating plate cool off for 30 seconds before you remove it from the machine.
While there are licensed characters to select from in the catalog, what we loved about the ToyBox 3D Printer was the ability to design your own toys. You can design your own cars, action figures and you can also upload your own art work. The possibilities here are endless.
In most cases, this is not a fast, push the button and make a toy experience. It requires patience - not a terrible skill to work on. For example, after we made our first ring, we selected a car we designed as our next project. We printed the wheels first (that was cool) and then when we started to print the body of the car, the printer needed to be recalibrated -- it wasn't difficult to do -- but it all takes time.
For example, you can make the Scooby Doo Van -- but it has many, many, many parts to print (each takes time and resetting the food) and then following the directions on the website for putting the van together. For some kids this will be part of the fun. You need to know your child and your own willingness to go on this adventure.
There is something so special about this machine -- it is the future. The price of such technology is still quite high. We recommend the Machine and Deluxe set so that you have plenty of food to start with. Buying additional "food" is also a continuing expense.
Ages: Tweens, Teens, Adults
Oppenheim Toy Portfolio Platinum Award 2021