Fisher-Price Think & Learn Code-a-pillar

(Fisher-Price $50)
We’ve seen a number of toys designed to introduce young children to coding and this one is designed for the youngest kids. Each segment of the Code-a-pillar has a directional or sound or light symbol on top. Kids snap the segments in the order of their choice and watch their code in action. It’s an open-ended toy that invites kids to experiment and discover if their predictions and actions bring the desired effect. It’s also an empowering toy since kids are in charge of what happens in planning sequences and figuring out how to make the code a pillar to do as they wish. There are add-on segments with different sounds and tricks (three to a pack, $15) that can be purchased separately. But for starters, the basic eight piece Code-a-pillar comes with plenty of action and ideas for putting your Code-a-pillar through tunnels made of pillows between chair legs or simply get from the Start and end target. There is an app for the toy that we did not get to test yet. Note: This works best on a bare floor. They say this is for 3-6's. We'd say the sweet spot is more like late 4's-6's.
Ages: Preschoolers, Early School
Oppenheim Toy Portfolio Gold Seal Award 2016