Mudpuppy Glitter Puzzle — Princess

(Mudpuppy $11.99)
You’ve probably heard...“All that glitter is not gold.” In this case, that is totally true but the silvery glitter on this castle with princesses in every tower is likely be an added attraction. With 100-pieces this is not a simple puzzle. In fact, it’s a pretty challenging one with small pieces. The designs on the castle towers and the sky with flags will offer visual clues. Giving beginners more complex puzzles is an important step in teaching them to find strategies for problem solving tasks. Puzzles like this also demand that kids stretch their stickability skills in the face of frustration—a lifeskill that needs to be nurtured. The price is right for great birthday party or holiday gifts. Also: for the ballerina in your family, there is charming Ballerina Glitter Puzzle that would make a perfect gift for after their recital. Marked for 5 and up, we think that’s a stretch. This is probably a better choice for 6-8-year olds.
Ages: Early school years
Oppenheim Toy Portfolio Gold Seal Award 2017