Ditty Bird Nursery Learning Songs

(MeMa $16.99)
One of a collection of board books. These have the added interest of having sounds on each page that can be activated with a little finger. The illustrations are bright and bold…not especially beautiful, but clear enough for knowing and naming or talking about. Ditty Bird Learning Songs features a number of familiar songs for young children. We think you and your child will like singing along as you turn the pages. The book includes: This Old Man; The Ants Go Marching; The Alphabet Song; One, Two, Buckle My Shoe; Ten in a Bed; and This is the Way. Also, another sing-a-long book, Ditty Bird Children's Songs, with very short versions of ever popular songs like Wheels on the Bus. We liked most of the Ditty Bird Classic Music Book, but the two selections played by piano were a little tinny and all of the tunes were louder than the song books.

Oppenheim Toy Portfolio Gold Seal Award 2019