Baby Gund Kissy the Penguin

(Gund $34.90)
Kissy the Penguin is a hefty 12” plush penguin. Though she’s soft to the touch, she’s not the cuddly type. Since she’s an animated toy, she pretty much sits in one place but she’s animated and quite a sweet talker. Pinch one flapper foot and Kissy says, “Hello Baby, show me how you blow kisses” as she lifts her flapper wings and blows a kiss to baby. Now pinch the flapper foot with musical notes and Kissy will sing "Blowing Kisses" while wiggling her wings and blowing more kisses. Okay, this is mostly a one trick pony for watching; but then again, it will take time before baby learns how to activate the plush penguin and make the song or the playing part happen. A nice novelty for babies before they have true locomotion. Music and action are repetitive, predictable and gentle entertainment that baby will come back to from time to time. For more active babies it's one they can eventually learn to master, discovering that they can make things happen with pleasing payoff. Kissy takes 3 AA batteries and is likely to please babies from the sitting up stage until they are up on their feet and off to the races.
Ages: Older Infants, Young Toddlers
Oppenheim Toy Portfolio Platinum Award 2021