Creativity for Kids Dinosaur Sensory Bin

(Creativity for Kids $19.99)
As beach and sandbox hours diminish with the changing seasons, Creativity for Kids has come up with a collection of sand bins that will give kids some of the same pleasures on a smaller scale. In fact, they have developed scaled down play pieces to match the themes. We'd suggest put down a big sheet or towel under the bin as all the sand is not likely to stay in the bin. That said, the sand is not totally granular as in a sand box, it sticks together and forms mounds that stay until hands or tools manipulate and dig in. Remember, play by its nature is messy and these are play settings are good for children's sensory learning, imaginative play and small motor skills of hands and fingers as they dig, move and create their own imaginative stories.
The Dinosaur Sensory Bin comes with 3 pounds of play sand, faux plant, rocks, dinosaur egg, sand sifter, dinosaur fossils, fossil brush, faux volcano and tree, magnifying glass and instructions packed in a bin with lid for easy storage The bin is approx. 14.5" W x 10.25" L x 4.75" H .

We also suggest the Construction Zone Sensory Bin ($15.99) with 2.5 lbs of colorful, easy to mold sensory sand, sand roller, rocks, shovel, construction trucks (Dump Truck, Crane Toy Truck and Tanker Truck), construction zone work signs and instructions packed in a bin with lid for easy storage. The Bin is approx. 14.5" W x 10.25" L x 4.75" H.
There are several other themes, we can't show you all of them, but look for a theme that goes with your child's interests or a story book you are reading. For the junior astronauts in your house, look at the Space Sensory with with unusual black sand and space related vehicles and astronauts.
SNAP: For kids with physical challenges, a sand box may not be viable ; these bins offer a great alternative. The bins will need to be velcro-ed in place for security to attach to wheelchair tray of table top. Encourage children to use words to describe how the sand feels, how it moves, and try packing it into small cups, forming it into shapes. This play clay is great stuff to inspire new language and playful imaginative play.
Ages: Preschoolers
Oppenheim Toy Portfolio Platinum Award 2021