Quercetti Peg Brite
(Quercetti $28.59)
A sleek light up peg toy that comes with 120 pegs in green, blue, yellow, orange, red and clear. Kids can do their own designs or copy the images of the 12 pictures in the design booklet. We like the lidded basket to store the pegs and the design of the pegboard itself that has rubbery openings that grab the pegs. You’ll need to preload the pegboard with three AA batteries so that when the pegs are in place, they light up. Although no reading or writing are involved, this is classic kind of toy that develops multiple learning skills. Fine motor skills used for handling the pegs are the same ones used for grasping writing tools for pencil and paper tasks. Following the patterns requires more than simple copying. There’s counting involved and copying the sequence of colors on a single line involves eye sweep, not unlike reading a line of words. All the while, to finish a project, kids are stretching their ability to stick with a task, a life skill needed in and out of school. Marked 4-8, we'd suggest this is better for 5s, 6s, and 7s.
Ages: Early School
Oppenheim Toy Portfolio Platinum Award 2019