Skyrocket Moji the Lovable Labradoodle

(Skyrocket $99.99)
Looking for a pooch to love without the need for housebreaking or grooming? Meet Moji a very sweet, animated Labradoodle. She comes with her own feeding dish, brush for grooming and toy. She knows dozens of tricks and follows 10 voice commands. Just say her name, “Moji” watch her ear pop up and then give the command to sit, lie down, shake, hi five, play, sing, beg, and more. On her smart collar you’ll find a ring of cards with other tricks. When one of them lights up on her collar tag screen, all you do is find the matching card and scan it on the screen and Moji follow those 20 actions, such as peeing and pooping (only the motions), eating a treat, taking a bath and more. Much like the earlier animatronic animals, this is a novelty toy and its built-in mechanism makes it less than cuddly than a traditional stuffed doll. We agree the latter may have more of a play life created by the child’s imagination. That said, this is one of those wow-wee gifts that kids remember and enjoy. As for learning, children do need to learn the commands because Moji doesn’t follow unless they know the words she knows. Moji may also satisfy some part of the need for children who are longing to have a pet, although they (or you) may not be ready for the responsibility of a real live pet or they may be allergic to dander. Okay, it’s not going to be the exactly the same, but this pooch pants, barks, and has a look that calls for puppy love. Takes 4 C batteries. 6 & up.
Ages: Early School
Oppenheim Toy Portfolio Platinum Award 2021