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Just Play Doc McStuffins Care Cart

(Just Play $39.99)

This is a pretend toy for kids who like to try on role play with their whole selves. In this case they can play Doc McStuffins as they roll out the cart, which is really a doctor’s office on wheels. It’s a lightweight plastic cart with an examining table, blood pressure mechanism, scanner, talking heart monitor. We know, it's a tad gaudy, but for McStuffins fans, this will not matter. If comes with a puppy in need of Doc’s services. For kids who like to play pretend with their whole being, this is a fun prop for trying on the role of care giver/doctor. WARNING: These are marked for 3 and up since there are small pieces that are a choking hazard for children who still mouth their toys. We advise you to take the labels seriously for your child’s safety.

SNAP:Children who visit medical centers frequently may find a set of medical props like this useful for playing out some of their anxieties and to rehearse upcoming visits. Dramatic play is once-removed-from-reality and toys like this give children a way step into roles of power, to become the doctor and dish out the medicine as well as the assurances and cures.

Ages: Preschoolers, Special Needs

Oppenheim Toy Portfolio Gold Seal Award 2016

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