Hape Quadrilla Marble Run Construction Sets
(Hape $29.99 & up)
We’ve written about other handsome wooden Quadrilla sets in the past. This season they have created a smaller set with wonderful wooden spillways, block tunnels, ramps and coiled roadway for the marbles to run around, down and blocks with cut out tunnels that go in several directions. For starters, consider the Race to the Finish ($29.99) a 28-piece set with 30 marbles and a stout storage bag (shown above). For a more elaborate set and somewhat more complex building possibilities, consider the ClIffhanger ($69.99) has 44 pieces including seven different color blocks each with a different function and many ramps.
Or, for the top of the line, consider the Castle Escape ($99.99 available at hape.com) 55 piece set with a rotary flag tower that releases the marbles, bells that ding as marbles roll by, and two transparent stairways that the marbles zoom down and hit another bell before landing in the big orange base.
Build any of these sets by following their plan or create many other original marble runs. This is a wonderful construction toy with hours of challenging fun involving problem solving, patience, dexterity and visual skills. You’ll need to keep the marbles out of reach if there are younger kids in the family. Marked 4 and up, but we think that for 4s this will be a parent child game. Kids of 6 and up will appreciate this even more and be able to use it on their own or cooperatively with another child.
Ages: Older Preschoolers, Early School
Oppenheim Toy Portfolio Gold Seal Award 201