eeBoo Within the Biomes 48 Giant Piece Puzzle
(eeBoo $21.99)
Animal lovers will be fitting together the giant pieces of six different biomes found on our planet. Each of the biomes is pictured with animals and plants found in their special environment—the desert, rainforest, tundra, boreal, temperate, savanna, and grasslands. When completed the giant pieces will be a big, busy image 30 X 24, so the floor may be the best place for this one. The backgrounds of each biome should be helpful clues for beginners. Although the pieces are big and distinctive, this very detailed illustration will be more challenging than most 48-piece puzzles. But there will be lots to talk about when it’s done and the puzzle also includes an informational poster for sharing facts about the biomes. Marked 4+, we’d say this is going to be even more interesting to the early school age puzzler of 5 and even 6+.
Ages: Early School
Oppenheim Toy Portfolio Gold Seal Award 2022