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Best Toys for Preschoolers: 2020 Oppenheim Toy Portfolio Platinum Awards

We are delighted to announce the Best Toys in the Preschool Category for 2020. These toys have been awarded our top honor, the Oppenheim Toy Portfolio Platinum Award!

Preschoolers need a a mix of toys for active big muscle play as well as sit down quiet time. Toys for solo time as well as social play. To read our full review of each toy click through the titles below. You'll find our entire evaluation and shopping information as well. You'll also want to check our OTP Gold Award Winners.


Pretend Setting

Trains and Building



Pretend Settings and Props for Pretend


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© 2020 by Oppenheim Toy Portfolio | The Independent Guide to Children's Media


Products reviewed by the Oppenheim Toy Portfolio are provided by the manufacturer at their cost. The Oppenheim Toy Portfolio does not require or accept fees for reviewing products.


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